Our company reccommend the most suitable dosing devices for wide range of materials for customer demands in sight of quantity and quality depending on the different mechanic and dynamic behaviours. Devices can be stand-alone (work station) constructions or can be adapted into a complete packing line by connected to other machines.
Weighing device: Dosing is done by weight. Material is delivered into the weighing cells by vibrated sliding lanes where required dosage is weighed and checked by feedback signal in desperate times and emptied into the filling tube within definited times.
Linear weigher: A lineárisan elrendezett mérlegek számát a kívánt teljesítmény határozza meg, pl. irányérték 10 adag/perc/csatorna.
Multi-head weigher: Fast, exact, high-speed dosing device. Mixing of products by pre-defined range can be achieved on demand.
Auger dosing device: Dosing by volume. Dosed quantity per one rotation is depending on the diameter and thread of dosing auger . Number of dosing lanes is depending ont he required capacity and the layout of basic machine.
Horizontal auger feeder: Generally we recommend this type of dosing device for non-sticky, easily dosable powders, materials (as sugar, salt, spices with pieces, etc.) It has a 30 litre container with mixing unit. Stainless steel construction, auger motion can be achieved by electro motor or servo driving system.
Vertical auger feeder: Recommended for sticky, hard dosing powders (as grinded products, sugar, spices, milk powder, etc.) It has a 30 litre container with mixing unit. Stainless steel construction, auger motion can be achieved by electro motor or servo driving system.
Cup feeder: Dosing by volume. Suitable for dosing with high-speed of homogenous products, grains, cereals, powders (like salt, peas, rice, etc.) Size of cups define the dosage, device is carousel construction.
Liquid dosing device: Suitable for dosing low- and high density liquids.
Piston filler: Dosing is done by piston for volume what can be continuously adjusted. Mainly used for dosing high density, hard dosable liquids (shampoo, honey, marmelade, ketchup, etc.)
Pump filler: Dosing is adjusted by time what defines the final volume of product. Generally used for low density liquids (vinegar, oil, detergents, cosmetics, chemicals, etc.) but in a small randi t is suitable also for dosing high density materials.